Best Podcasts For Therapists

Most therapists and practice owners read books as a way to spend their free time and learn more about  mental and health, and growing their private practice business. While reading is a great way to spend  your free time, sometimes it can be hard to concentrate on reading. In such cases, a podcast will do!

Podcasts are a fruitful and engaging way to learn more about the field of psychology. The good news is  you can always listen to a podcast anywhere you are, whether you’re on a trip or while at home  relaxing.

To enjoy listening to podcasts, you must find those that interest you. If you are a therapist, private  practice owner, or psychology enthusiast, we have simplified the job for you. Below are the best  podcasts for therapists that you can listen to, enjoy and learn.

General Podcasts for Therapists 

These podcasts generally touch on all matters mental health, including psychology topics and therapy.  Anyone interested in the broad field of psychology can listen to these podcasts.

1. Billing Breakthroughs Podcast, iTunes, Spotify, Etc.

For some time now, mental health practice managers, therapists, and medical billers have been facing difficulties understanding mental health billing. In conjunction with TheraNest, Billing Breakthroughs  looks to help these professionals to manage the hard-to-understand mental health billing. From  clearinghouses to copays, telehealth to claims, this podcast seeks to solve the constant challenge most  healthcare professionals face in getting paid.

Why you should listen: 

If you find it hard to understand mental health billing, this is the podcast for you. Join Sage in the Billing  Breakthroughs as she takes you through the journey of medical billing in a fun way. Sage uses simple  language to explain medical billing to ensure everyone can easily follow through and understand the  discussion.

2. Therapist Uncensored or iTunes

Brought to you by two very experienced psychotherapists, Ann Kelly and Sue Marriot from Austin, TX,  U.S, Therapist Uncensored is one of the best podcasts for therapists. It is a friendly, straight-talking, and  refreshing podcast designed for mental health practitioners and curious clients.

Sue Marriott is a therapist who has been practicing for over 25 years. She is the founder of Austin IN  Connection, an organization that studies neuroscience and attachment. On the other hand, Ann Kelly is  a psychologist that focuses on attachment-based interventions and trauma.

Together, the two psychotherapists present their listeners with creative topics on interpersonal  neurobiology, trauma, and attachment.

Why you should listen: 

The presenters feed you great content on human connections and relational neuroscience in an simple and fun way. They make it easy for you to understand the complex concept of neuroscience and  psychology. They translate these concepts into a practical and understandable format that gives you the  power you need to discover your best self.

3. Hidden Brain, iTunes, or the NPR One App

Shankar Vendanta, the host of Hidden Brain, shares captivating ideas regarding things that make us who  we are. This includes the bias, triggers, and innate patterns that shape what we are, what becomes of  us, and our relationship with others. Through this podcast, we also get to learn about our choices and  why we make these choices.

Why you should listen: 

The podcast lets you know yourself better and learn about others. You also understand and appreciate  why people think the way they do and why we make certain decisions. Essentially, it helps you  understand yourself and others better and, therefore, create better relationships.

4. The Psychology Podcast with Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman or iTunes

As a therapist, it is vital to understand human behaviors, how the brain functions, and humanity in  general. The Psychology Podcasts by Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman gives you exactly that.

Since 2014, Dr. Kaufman has been hosting thought-provoking guests to help explore and understand  human potential. The podcast provides the listener with insights into the brain, mind, creativity, and  behavior. Each episode features an expert who helps stimulate your mind, giving you a better  understanding of yourself, others, and the world.

Why you should listen: 

Unlike other podcasts that bring you the same guests over and over again, the Psychology Podcast  features a unique guest on each episode. Dr. Kaufman selects some of the most interesting and creative  guests for each of his episodes, making it more fun and educative for anyone interested in  understanding human possibility.

5. Happier with Gretchen or iTunes

You know a podcast is making you a better person when you smile every time you listen to it. Each  episode of the Happier with Gretchen Rubin podcast will surely make you laugh as you learn to be a  better person.

Hosted by Gretchen Rubin, the number 1 bestselling author of “Better Than Before,” “Better at Home,”  and “The Happiness Project,” the podcast gives you practical advice about good habits and happiness.  Gretchen cohosts the podcast with her younger sister, Elizabeth Craft, a producer and TV writer who  lives in Los Angeles.

Why you should listen: 

Together, the two lovely sisters bring you funny and thought-provoking topics geared towards providing  you with simple happiness hacks, happiness-related home remedies, and listener questions. In addition,  they discuss some of the most common stumbling blocks to happiness and highlight how you can  overcome each of them.

6. PsychCrunch or iTunes

Presented by Dr. Christian Jarrett, this podcast from the British Psychological Society’s Research Digest  tries to discuss scientific studies and psychological findings in an easy-to-understand manner. Dr.  Christian tries to put into practical application the conclusions derived from these studies and research.

While findings from most research works are exciting and promising, it remains unclear whether the  results can work in real-life situations. Each of the episodes from PsychCrunch explores the possibility of  these findings making a difference in real life.

Why you should listen: 

Hella Rhodes, Ginny Smith, Matthew Warren, Emily Reynolds, and, for past episodes, Christian Jarrett  present you with fun-to-listen topics on psychological science. It helps explain an individual’s thought  process, making it fun and intriguing to listen to

Podcasts for those in Private Practice 

For those mental health professionals interested in private practice, these are the ideal podcasts to  listen to. They prepare you on the business side of mental health, including starting, managing, and  creating a successful private practice.

7. The Private Practice Startup iTunes

Therapists looking to grow their private practice will find The Private Practice Startup podcast handy.  Brought to you by Kate Campbell and Katie Lemieux, each episode provides you with the information  you need to become successful in your career as a therapist.

Having been in private practice for more than 15 years and enduring unreal success starting from  scratch, the two therapists share their experiences and carry out interviews with successful health  practitioners and entrepreneurs. The knowledge they share is meant to inspire and set you on the right  path to a successful career as a private therapist.

The presenters believe that as a therapist, you should feel inspired by working with your ideal clients  and getting the paycheck you deserve.

Why you should listen: 

In a fun and interesting way, the presenters provide you with the information you need to grow your  practice as a therapist. They offer you already-tested branding and marketing methods that you can use  to get the clients you desire, and that pays you what you deserve.

8. The Practice of the Practice or iTunes

The Practice of the Practice is brought to you by Joe Sanok, who has substantial experience in the  counselling private practice. Besides, Joe has an extensive background in various clinical settings,  including residential, foster care, and college counseling. Today, he owns the Mental Wellness  Counselling located in Traverse City, which has experienced tremendous success since it was founded.

Through the podcast, Joe helps private mental professionals to grow and better manage their practice  while meeting the needs of their clients. With extensive expertise in counselling private practices, Joe  has all that you need to be start and succeed as a private therapist.

Why you should listen: 

Joe pays attention to the various methods you can use to make your service-based private practice more  appealing. He provides you with “killer” methods that can help you save millions of monies, grow your  referrals, and enjoy your career.

9. Starting a Counseling Practice (With Kelly + Miranda) or iTunes

This is an ideal podcast for health professionals who are passionate about health and wellness looking to  venture into private practice. Hosted by Kelly and Miranda Palmer, the podcast focuses on helping  therapists start and manage a successful private practice while maintaining a work/life balance.

Why you should listen: 

The two hosts are holders of Degrees in Psychology will not only teach theoretical concepts by bringing  along the vast real-world experience of running a business startup that should help you start a  successful business.

10. Selling the Couch or iTunes

Selling the Couch is the podcast to listen to if you’re a mental health professional in the private sector  looking to grow your practice. The podcast by psychologist Melvin Varghese has more than 1.2 million  listeners and downloads in 130 countries across the world.

Melvin interviews some of the most successful therapists in the private practice, enquiring how they  have achieved their successes over the years, including tips and strategies on how to get clients and  grow their practice. In addition to the therapists, Melvin also talks to top entrepreneurs, social media  experts, and top-rated business/marketing individuals.

Why you should listen:

Listening to the podcast by Melvin will help you learn about the business side of mental health practice.  You will be equipped with the strategies you need to be your own boss and be a success in private  practice.

Right Podcasts for Therapists 

The above podcasts are not only fun and exciting to listen to, but they also teach you different aspects  of mental health. Listen to them and learn from the best because the hosts are vastly experienced in the  field. Besides, they interview individuals who have been successful as therapists or business owners.  Every podcast focuses on its primary issues. Therefore, select one that suits you best and increase your knowledge as a therapist.

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